Everything You Need to Know About Gas Explosions

Whether you live near a natural gas pipeline or are employed in an industry that depends on propane, you likely have questions related to gas explosions. Maybe you’ve been injured due to a house gas explosion, or maybe you’re simply curious due to the recent methane explosion in Los Angeles. Regardless of the reason, here’s everything you need to know about gas explosions.
What Causes Gas Explosions?
There are a variety of causes of gas explosions. These causes are so common, in fact, that natural gas explosions alone cause $133 million in property damage yearly in the U.S. Here are some facts about the potential causes.
- Pipeline leaks: Between 2010 and 2015, there were over 3,300 leaks or ruptures recorded in natural gas and crude oil pipelines. This makes the incidents some of the most common and deadly.
- Propane leaks: Industrial propane leaks often leave employees looking for workplace injury lawyers, but these incidents don’t only occur in industrial environments. A July 2017, propane explosion in Tennessee resulted in two casualties in a residence.
- Methane: Methane emissions have surged over the past few years. Fossil fuels account for a large portion of this, but a recent explosion caused by static electricity and cows belching methane show these explosions aren’t uncommon in any industry.
- Natural gas leaks: This is one of the most common gas explosions every year. Natural gas incidents occur “nearly every other day.” A recent accident in West Virginia caused an explosion when workers were trying to odorize natural gas.
What Are Gas Explosion Warning Signs?
You could be a professional in natural gas safety or a homeowner who wants to stay vigilant. Either way, here are some gas explosion warning signs to look for:
- Smell of rotten eggs (sulfur)
- Unrecognizable hissing sounds
- Rusted gas lines
- Improperly installed water heaters
- Sudden dizziness, nausea, headaches or fatigue
Do I Have a Gas Explosion Lawsuit?
If you’ve been injured in a workplace explosion, you may be able to secure compensation for your injuries. After receiving medical care, you’ll want to immediately contact a workplace injury lawyer. Find an attorney who’s willing to provide a free consultation.
Since receiving compensation from workplace incidents isn’t necessarily based on whether you made a mistake or not, you should reach out to an attorney even if you think you don’t have a case. Any explosion that causes you injury or financial loss may be eligible for financial compensation.
Be Vigilant, Be Aware
Gas leaks are always occurring across America, but certain employees may be at heightened risk for explosion injuries. If you’re in this position, always keep these facts and tips in your mind. The life you save could be your own.
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