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Reasons You May Experience Jaw or Ear Pain After Being Involved in a Cleveland Car Crash

synthetic skull with jaw open

When you think about types of pain from a car crash injury, jaw or ear pain are probably not the first things that come to mind. You probably think about pain in your head or pain in one of your limbs because of a broken bone.

Crash victims might dismiss pain in their jaws or ears as no big deal, even though it could be a sign of a serious injury, like a fractured skull. We discuss ear or jaw pain after a car accident below, including what causes this kind of pain and your options for filing an injury claim. 

Our Cleveland car accident attorneys are available to discuss your post-crash legal options at no upfront cost to you.

Experienced lawyers. Ready to help. Contact us: 216-621-0070.

Injuries That May Cause Jaw Pain

Jaw pain after a car accident is typically a sign of one of three injuries:

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to the temporal bone on your skull. You have a TMJ joint on both sides of your skull in front of your ears. These joints allow you to move your jaw to the left and right and up and down, which allows you to chew food, talk and yawn.  

Unfortunately, these joints are fragile. That is why stress or clenching your teeth could cause a TMJ injury. It is easy to see why blunt force trauma to the jaw during a car crash could cause a serious injury. For example, your jaw could hit the steering wheel, dashboard or even the window.

You could also suffer a TMJ injury without getting hit in the head or jaw. Your TMJ joint might suffer damage when your head whips forward and backward during impact, also known as whiplash.

These are some of the common signs of a TMJ injury:

Broken Jaw

You will know your jaw is broken if you are unable to open or close your mouth or chew food without experiencing pain. Doctors may need to do surgery to repair the fracture, but they will determine treatment options after conducting diagnostic tests.

Bruised Jaw

You might mistake a bruised jaw for a broken jaw. This is because bruising can cause the joint to swell, which can lead to pain when you use your jaw.

You might think the bruising will heal on its own. However, you need to make sure the bruise is treated properly or your jaw could become misaligned.

Why Do I Have Ear Pain After a Crash?

A blow to the head could cause ringing in your ears, as your inner ears are fragile and prone to injury. Your inner ear could also suffer damage from a sudden change in pressure. Other situations may allow debris inside the ear canal, which could cause significant damage.

Ringing in your ears could be a sign of other injuries, such as whiplash or even a traumatic brain injury. If you see blood or fluid leaking out of your ear canal, you may have suffered a spinal cord injury or fractured skull.

Additional symptoms that may accompany an ear injury include:

Why You Need Immediate Treatment For an Ear or Jaw Injury 

You should never take a car crash injury lightly. You have just been through a traumatic experience and there is no telling what damage your body may have suffered. You do not want to take a chance that you suffered a long-term or even life-threatening injury.

When it comes to jaw pain, the injury is unlikely to heal properly without medical intervention. You will need guidance on how to limit the use of your jaw, which is challenging because you need your jaw to chew food. Doctors may be able to prescribe medication to help you deal with the pain during the day. Medication may also be prescribed for pain management so you can sleep.

Once your jaw heals, you may need physical therapy to help rebuild strength and mobility in your jaw muscles.

Ear injuries can cause other disruptions in your life, such as if you struggle to hear things. Dizziness is unpleasant and can make everyday life challenging. You may need to seek further treatment to rule out other serious damages as well, such as a brain injury.

Filing a Claim For a Jaw or Ear Injury

The physical, financial and emotional toll of a car crash jaw or ear injury should not be understated. You may struggle to sleep, which can increase anxiety and other emotional issues. Medical treatment can also be expensive, partly because your recovery may take significant time.

That is why you need to call an experienced lawyer to discuss legal options. If another driver is to blame, you may be eligible to recover compensation for medical bills and other damages. You need full compensation to get the treatment you need to make the best possible recovery.

Injured By a Reckless Driver? Call Friedman, Domiano and Smith

After getting injured in a crash, you need legal help from attorneys with a proven track record.

Our experienced lawyers have helped crash victims who have suffered a variety of severe injuries and damages. We have extensive knowledge of the legal process because we have taken on so many cases, securing millions for our clients.

There are no upfront costs with our services. We are dedicated to securing full compensation to help you put your life back together.

Unsure if you may have a case? Call for assistance: 216-621-0070.

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