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Workplace Injuries: Do I Have a Workers’ Compensation Case?

Workplace injuries, Do I have a workers' compensation case?

In Ohio, workers’ compensation provides benefits to employees hurt on the job. While in general employers cannot be sued outside of the workers’ comp scheme, workmans comp lawyers can help you get an additional settlement if your injury happened under certain circumstances.

What Should I Do If I Was Injured on the Job?

Immediately report the incident. You may have to speak with your union shop steward or supervisor.

Note important details:

Speak to a personal injury lawyer or construction accident lawyer as your health permits.

What Injuries Qualify for Workers’ Compensation in Ohio?

Injuries arising out of employment qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in Ohio. As expected, this covers traumatic injuries such as loss of limbs, spinal cord injury, broken bones and disfigurement. But it also covers often overlooked injuries that happen as a direct result of on-the-job hazards, such as:

According to workplace injury laws, you also have legal options if you suffered repetitive stress injury, toxic exposure or harm from defective workplace equipment. Legal settlements come from workers’ compensation claims or workplace injuries lawsuits.

What Benefits Am I Entitled To?

If you can file suit against your employer or a negligent party, you may receive pain and suffering and punitive damages. Through workers’ compensation in Ohio, benefits are generally restricted to lost wages, medical expenses and lump sum amounts for specific injuries. You can also get workers’ comp if your employer violated a safety standard that caused your injury.

Can I Sue Outside the Ohio Workers’ Compensation Scheme?

Often workers’ compensation does not fully account for the scope and severity of your injuries. Your ability to sue outside of the system depends on how your injury happened. With the assistance of a work accident lawyer, you may be able to take action under negligence law, for example against:

At the workplace injury law firm FDS Law, we offer a no fee if no recovery policy. You do not pay until we secure you a judgment or settlement. As experienced workers’ compensation attorneys, we can advise on the best legal route to secure your chances of receiving a fair and full settlement.

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