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How to Self-Quarantine Without Going Crazy

COVID Mask in Mirror

As winter encompasses us with all its little bugs, long dark days, and blankets of snow it’s becoming even more challenging for most to cope with the added weight to the already heavy COVID quarantine. Scientists have long observed that forms of isolation, less sunlight, and lack of social interaction can all have negative or even detrimental effects on mood. It’s essential that we keep our mental health a top priority in these challenging times.

There is an array of proven ways to help ease the burden of isolation safely this winter season such as:

According to the Covid Tracking Project’s analysis of The Department of Human Health Services data, a record 109,331 people were hospitalized with the coronavirus on Sunday, December 13, 2020. With cases hitting this all-time high with little sign of decline it’s essential to keep up our coronavirus safety practices.

Below are some tips for staying extra safe during self-quarantine

  1. Use a no contact delivery service for take out or home essentials.
  2. Do your grocery shopping earlier in the morning on weekdays when stores are less crowded.
  3. Keep disinfectant wipes handy and wipe down the surfaces of items you’re bringing from outside into your home.
  4. Avoid parties or gatherings, no matter how small, and wear masks if attending.
  5. Stick to spending time only with members of your own household.
  6. Stock up on Vitamin C and immunity boosters, in addition to staying bundled up while outdoors. Those with compromised immune systems are more likely to contract the virus.

The World Health Organization concluded at the start of the pandemic that 90% of those infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic. Which makes staying safe and aware when you absolutely need to be outside of your home an indispensable priority.

Some helpful preventative measures include things such as:

The most recent surveillance from the CDC shows that cases are still peaking all-time highs, even exceeding the initial outbreak. They also stated that at Christmas week, there were an estimated 326.7 per 100,000 citizens hospitalized. The state of Ohio alone has now topped over 727,000 cases and is continuing to grow. You can stay up to date with Ohio specific statistics through The Ohio Department of Health.

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